
Before submitting your dissertation, you must check with your faculty (Service de la scolarité) to make sure it has officially opted for electronic submission. In case of a negative answer from your faculty, please do not submit your dissertation.


  • Step 1: prepare and name your files

    There are 3 documents to submit.
    The naming of the documents is standardized and must not include accented characters.

    1. the dissertation file in PDF format

      You must submit a single, unprotected PDF file. The name of the file must include your first and last name, your discipline and year of defense.

      Naming: name_firstname_discipline_year of defense
      Example: BASTIEN_Emilie_Ondotologie_2022.pdf

    2. the scanned dissemination contract duly completed and signed in PDF format

      You can download the blank version of the the dissemination contract here

      Naming: name_firstname_discipline_year of defense_disseminationcontract
      Example: BASTIEN_Emilie_Ondotologie_2022_disseminationcontract.pdf

      You must print the contract. Please date and sign it and send a scanned version. The paper version is to be kept by you.

    3. a file containing the summaries (1000 characters maximum) and keywords of your dissertation in the language(s) of your choice in Word or OpenOffice format.

      Naming: name_firstname_discipline_year of defense_abstract
      Example : BASTIEN_Emilie_Ondotologie_2022_abstract.doc

  • Step 2: upload your files in the right category
    Your faculty (Service de la scolarité) and the Library Service (Service des bibliothèques) will then put your dissertation online on the Écrin platform.